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Pardubice Advent Markets had another busy Saturday and Sunday - the third Advent weekend helped the needy and brought many good deeds. The organisers of the market, in cooperation with Pardubice City Hall, sent more than twenty thousand crowns to children with cancer and their families, and the city received a cheque worth two million crowns from Foxconn to support education and the restoration of a national cultural monument.
A charity cup and a charity day with Foxconn was the subtitle of the Advent market on Saturday 16 December. Throughout the afternoon, gingerbread punch and garlic bread were sold for a voluntary donation to support children with cancer and their families. People were able to refresh themselves and the organisers sent a beautiful CZK 21,196 to the account of the Chance for Cancer Children Foundation. The Foxconn company also made a financial donation to the good cause.
"We gratefully accepted the financial donation from Foxconn, which is an example of how the business sector can play a key role in social development.Two million crowns is a considerable amount and will help us to implement the planned projects more easily," thanked the Mayor of Pardubice Jan Nadrchal. "The strategy and long-term wish of Foxconn Czech Republic is to be not only a good employer but also a good neighbour.This is true for individuals, communities, non-profit organizations and the towns where we operate.We are therefore very pleased to be able to contribute CZK 2 million to the reconstruction and extension of school buildings in Pardubice. Supporting education and cooperation with schools is an important part of our corporate social responsibility activities. Part of the funds will be used for the development of the surroundings of the Zámeček Memorial. We are closely connected with this place historically, which makes us all the more pleased that we can participate in the cultivation of this important Pardubice monument," said Radka Svobodová, Compliance, PR and Communications Manager at Foxconn Czech Republic.
Roughly half of the two-million-dollar sum will go towards the reconstruction of the Pardubice - Pardubičky Primary and Kindergarten and increasing the capacity of the nearby Čtyřlístek kindergarten. The other half of the money will go towards the preparation of a project to improve the surroundings of the national cultural monument Zámeček Memorial.