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Mayor Josef Viktora wished the children and teachers to enjoy the new kindergarten. He also thanked the Foxconn company for contributing 450,000 CZK to equip the kindergarten. John Gallagher, Vice President and Executive Director of Foxconn Czech Republic, said he was delighted that the company could support the reconstruction of the kindergarten Trebišovská. "Every year, Foxconn CR tries to help some city project financially; today, we are talking about financing the interior equipment of the kindergarten in the amount of 450,000 CZK. We look forward to selecting a project that will be supported by the town of Kutná Hora next year," he added.
Pavla Berková, director of the town's contributory organization Kindergartens Kutná Hora, thanked the town of Kutná Hora and Foxconn. Everything in the kindergarten is new. "I wish happiness, joy and love to the kindergarten, which will have the name Čtyřlístek," she said and noted that although the first day in the kindergarten might be tearful for some children, they will certainly like it here and will come here with joy and love.

The new kindergarten in Trebišovská Street was officially opened in the presence of representatives of the town, Foxconn, employees of the kindergarten, some councillors and other guests. It welcomed a total of 88 children in four classes.
Following the completion of the renovation to return the building to its original use and after the approval, the restored kindergarten in Trebišovská Street was registered in the Register of Schools and Educational Institutions with effect from 1st September. To complete the project, further landscaping will continue in the autumn months. The town is already preparing an application for the newly announced subsidy programme to reconstruct the kindergarten.
The new Kindergarten Trebišovská falls under the municipal contributory organization Kindergartens Kutná Hora and will be named Čtyřlístek. "The classes are named Pampeliška, Kopretina, Lístek and Zvonek," said Nikola Vašková, deputy director of the Trebišovská kindergarten. Meals will be provided by the school canteen in Benešov I.